Hybrid Warfare, Trolls, Agents of Influence, and Useful Idiots

  • Cătălin NEGOIȚĂ Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania
Keywords: hybrid warfare, trolls, agents, useful idiots, social media


If, for the collocation “fake news”, the “birth date” can be approximated (the 2016 United States of America presidential election), about the concepts we will analyse in this material, it is very difficult to establish an initial date, and even harder to find the “godfather”. These concepts have somewhat remained in the shadows, being used only by specialists in the field. However, what happened in Europe and around the world, immediately after the beginning of the XXI century, made them come into prominence, to be intensively used, even excessively, and all political, social, and economic events that came out of the initial logic were suspected to be “wedged with” elements of hybrid warfare.
