Aspects of Social-Media Interaction and Society

  • Georgiana DRĂGHICI (POPESCU) University of Pitesti, Romania
Keywords: social media, internet, followers


Social media has managed to revolutionise the whole world, not just the concept of public relations. How often have we felt the need to capture a beautiful holiday moment – a snapshot to share on social media accounts? How often have we wanted to share our best culinary experiences with friends or followers? The examples could go on and on, and whether we realize it or not, we end up influencing our followers by what we choose to post online.

We all use the internet to get the information we need almost every day. In this context, it’s no wonder that the phrase “google it” is on everyone’s lips.

Of course, the internet doesn’t just serve us personally. Organisations are now aware that most of the population is online. For this reason, they work hard to have a strong digital image and to reach their target audience. Whether we are talking about public or private institutions, small or large organisations, it is almost impossible for their representatives not to embrace the concept of online communication and marketing.
