Tolerance and Non-Discrimination

Fundamental Obligations of the Journalist Activity in the Republic of Moldova

  • Vladimir GÎRA Doctoral School of Social and Human Sciences – “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania
  • Ionel Constantin MITEA Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania
Keywords: tolerance, non-discrimination, obligation, journalist


Respect for tolerance and non-discrimination in press materials represent two fundamental legal and ethical obligations of the journalist from the Republic of Moldova. On the one hand, the tolerant treatment of each person, regardless of ethnicity, gender, age or opinion, and regardless of whether the journalist shares the same values and ideas as that person or not, has the power to transform his job into an effective tool to combat the worst stereotypes and prejudices that have plagued our society. On the other hand, developing articles and reports in violation of these important obligations can have negative consequences for different categories of people and lead to the creation of new stereotypes or the entrenchment of old ones. This work proposes to analyse the international and national regulations, as well as the provisions of the Journalist's Code of Ethics in terms of tolerance and non-discrimination, to discover the content of the obligation to tolerate and not to discriminate that belongs to each representative of the mass media, and to find out the sanctions what applies in case of non-compliance with this obligation ordered by the decisions of the Council for the prevention and elimination of discrimination and ensuring equality.
