Literary Translations in the Republic of Moldova: Opinions And Realisations

  • Ludmila BALȚATU, Dr. “B.P. Hasdeu” State University of Cahul, Republic of Moldova
Keywords: artistic translation, literature, cultural awareness


The primary objective of literary translations consists of the formation of the artistic taste of those passionate about literature through the promotion of literary masterpieces. Thus, owing to translations, the most exquisite literary writings from around the globe became known to Moldova’s readers. By way of translation, world-famous literary works have also had an impact on the writers of our country.

Taking into account the significant importance of literary translations, a great number of books of literature from various nations have been translated in Moldova. It is encouraging that certain successes have been achieved as well in terms of the quality of the performed belles-lettres translations. However, unfortunately, as the issue of the theory of artistic translations is situated at the interference of logic, linguistics, psychology, pedagogy, and aesthetics, it is not studied thoroughly by any of these sciences.

In addition, there is another equally important shortcoming, related to the domain of literary translation in our country - the disproportion between the number permanently growing of performed translations of all literary genres and the very small number of scientific articles and studies, in which the quality of these would be investigated and analysed.

It is necessary that the translator’s work be appreciated at its due value, taking into consideration the role of translations in the survival and promotion of literary masterpieces. Based on the performed translations readers of all times learn from the literary treasure of different cultures, enrich their vocabulary, and learn to perceive reality analytically.
