The Profile of Organised Criminal Groups in the Republic Of Moldova

  • Ion BOTNARI "Stefan cel Mare" Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Republic of Moldova
  • Andrei NASTAS Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania


The activity of organised crime groups has been and remains one of the most dangerous forms of crime. Its latent form of manifestation in the social, economic and even political spheres, with its permanent orientation towards profit through the sharing of areas of influence, also determines the increased interest in their research by both researchers and, above all, practitioners, who ensure the prevention and detection of crimes committed by organised criminal groups. Being part of the community of Soviet states also left its mark on organised crime, which until the start of EU accession activities took the form of "thief-in-law" ("vor v zakone") criminal groups/organisations with a strict hierarchical pyramid-type subordination and unwritten rules and practices.

Subsequently, emerging from the prospects and opportunities offered by trade relations, the development of transport, along with bona fide citizens, members of organised criminal groups migrated to other countries and consolidated into new criminal groups, which are continuously shaping their composition, methods, areas of interest, tools and other characteristics. However, their basic characteristic remains profit-making, irrespective of the field of crime "professed".

